The Schools of Inculturation

02 June 2024

Following the establishment of the Center of Inculturation by Chiara Lubich in 1992, members of the Focolare Movement across Africa were called upon to gather and delve into indigenous stories and share meaningful proverbs reflecting the depths of African wisdom.

This spontaneous engagement marked the genesis of what soon evolved into a modest institution. In response to this initiative, a series of inculturation schools for both laity and clergy affiliated with the Focolare Movement emerged.

As early as 1993, the inaugural conference convened, paving the way for twelve subsequent Schools of Inculturation held every two to three years thereafter. Each school adopted a comprehensive approach, offering insights into the chosen theme from three distinct perspectives:


  • Selected African traditions and values,

  • The Bible and the Teachings of the Church, 

  • The Spirituality of Unity. 

The themes of these conferences are:

  • Inculturation and the Concept of God in the African Tradition (1993)

  • The Person (1994)

  • The Community (1995)

  • Property and Work in the Perspective of Inculturation (1997)

  • Suffering, Illness, and Death in sub-Saharan Africa (2000)

  • Reconciliation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges for Inculturation (2002)

  • Education in Traditional Africa (2005)

  • Communication in Traditional Africa (2007)

  • The Sense of the Sacred in Traditional Sub-Saharan Africa (2010)

  • The Person and African traditions in a perspective of Inculturation (2013)

  • The family (2016)

  • Leadership, Authority, and Governance; Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (2022)

The conferences are printed and published in book form in three languages:

English, Italian and French as listed below:



No English French Italian

Property and Work in the Perspective of Inculturation

Propriete et Travail dans la Perspective de I’ Inculturation

Proprieta e Lavoro nella Prospettiva dell’ Inculturazione


Inculturation and the Concept of God in the African Traditions

L’ Inculturation et le Concept de Dieu dans les Traditions Africaines

L’ Inculturazione e il concetto di Dio nella Tradizione africana


Suffering, Illness and Death in the sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives for Inculturation

Souffrance, Maladie et Mort en Afrique Subsaharienne: Perspectives pour I’Inculturation

Sofferenza, malattia e morte nell’ Africa sub-sahariana: propsettive per I’inculturazione


Education in Traditional Africa

L’ education en Afrique traditionnelle

L’educazione nell Africa tradizionale


Reconciliation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges for Inculturation

La reconciliation en Afrque subsaharienne defis pour I’ inculturation

La riconciliazione nell Africa sub-sahariana sfide per I’ inculturazione


Communication in Traditional Africa Perspectives for Inculturation 

La communication en Afrique traditionnelle perspectives pour I’inculturation

La comunicazione nell’ Africa tradizionale prospettive per I’ inculturazione


The Sense of the Sacred in traditional sub- Saharan Africa

Le sens du sacre en Afrique tradionnelle subsaharienne

II senso del sacro nell’ Africa tradizionale subsahariana


The Person and the African Traditions in a perspective of Inculturation

La personne et les traditions africaines dans une prespective d’ inculturation

La persona e le tradizioni africane in una prospecttiva di inculturazione


The Family in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar

La Famille en Afrique subsaharienne et a Madagascar

La Famiglia nell’ Africa subsahariana e Madagascar


Leadership, Authority & Governance in African Institutions, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Leadership, Autorité et Gouvernance dans les Institutions Africaines, Hier, Aujourd'hui et Demain Leadership, Autorità e Governance nelle Istituzioni Africane, Ieri, Oggi e Domani




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